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Our Vision Statement: Our vision is to build a highly effective Adult Service that offers guidance in health and wellness while focusing on individuals, intense support, and programming.

Mission: To develop dynamic communities and programs where adults with disabilities live, work, learn and flourish. We are committed to treating each individual with respect,   thoughtfulness, opportunities, and choices to meet the desires of each client.

Our Innovative programs and exercises are created for adults with complex needs (intellectual and/or developmental disabilities including autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, ADHD, epilepsy, and other chromosomal abnormalities). GFLY develops independent living and creates life skills and enrichment programs for clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Independent Living 
How to complete the banking transaction 
Game night
Outdoor hiking and nature walks
Dance night
Arts and Crafts 
Job training 
Drama activities

OARTY Member: Guidance for Loved Youth Foster Care Services
Program/Facility Description: GFLY encourages clients to empower connections with others within the community by shaping companionships and learning from others who share the same cares and concerns. This allows for growth and freedom in the cognitive level of each client. This will focus on developing confidence, building self-esteem, independence, and a feeling of accomplishment. Cultural Competence: Clients will have access to a resource person. that will support on a community base. All necessary cultural resources will be offered to the client. • Spoken Language • Religion • Identity
City: Hamilton
Ministry Region: West
For Ages: 18-40
Home Type: Assisted/Independant Living
Client Group: DC ED/BD
Accredited By:
  • 0 Immediate
  • 0 30 Days
  • 0 60 Days
  • 0 90 Days

Accepted Conditions

1. Client Groups

AdultsDevelopmentally Challenged

2. Diagnostic Features

ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder
Nonverbal/Communication DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder

3. Problematic Behaviours

No services offered in this category

4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)

No services offered in this category

5. Teen Issues

No services offered in this category

6.1 Health Care Requirements

No services offered in this category

6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996

No services offered in this category

7. School and Community

* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories.
No services offered in this category

8. Program Model

Assisted/Independent LivingFoster Care

9. Program Treatment Services

Community Skills TrainingCrisis Admission/Emergency
Life Skills ProgramRespite
Social Skills Training

10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)


11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services

Group Therapy