Ontario Care Collective News & Press Releases
Over the past 10 years, OARTY and ORCA have worked together as leaders in the out-of-home care sector. In recent years, our joint membership and many of our stakeholders have voiced support for a merger of the two associations. I am pleased to be writing today to introduce you to Ontario Care Collective.
Ontario Care Collective is the only association in Ontario representing all 3 levels of out-of-home care licensing (foster, staff model & group), the developmental services sector, as well as other stakeholders including placing agencies, partner associations, and related vendors. We are proud that our membership is comprised of a variety of organizations who serve Ontarians from birth through end-of-life.
The Ontario Care Collective board is comprised of 17 directors (all of the directors from the former associations known as ORCA and OARTY). Following our first Annual Meeting, our board will be comprised of a newly elected, 12 directors. Ontario Care Collective’s current board members include:
Jennifer Dyment, President Jen’s Place |
David MacDonald, Past President Avon Family Foster Services |
Christine Rondeau, Vice-President Partners in Parenting |
Ashley McCurley, Vice-President Milestone Foster Homes |
Todd Powell, Treasurer Bayfield Treatment Centres |
Brenda Mason, Secretary Stratford Children’s Services |
Jennifer Bruce, Director Nairn Family Homes |
David Corkery, Director Stepping Stones Foster Care |
Cassandra Duignan, Director Key Assets Ontario |
Leo Hopkins, Director |
Shelly Jaigobin, Director Kennedy House |
Mickenzie Moore, Director Holloway House
Blake Muxlow, Director Betamarsh |
Penny Peters, Director RockHaven Children’s Services |
Shelley Steinburg, Director Main Street Community Services |
Lance Thrale, Director Country Haven Acres |
Chris Wilson, Director Safe Harbours |
On behalf of the Board and Executive, we look forward to your continued support and involvement in the years ahead.
For more information, feel free to contact info@ontariocarecollective.ca.
Jennifer Dyment
Ontario Care Collective
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Press Releases