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Youth Centre for Change
In accordance with the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) best practices guidelines, YCFC offers sexual and mental health programming in a trauma informed and strengths-based format. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the primary approach, while integrating additional evidence-based and skills-oriented therapies.
Each youth will engage in a process of developing an individualized, structured, and adaptable clinical path for their therapeutic work while at YCFC. The collaborative intervention plan is created based on each youth’s Risk-Need Responsivity Principles. These principles include developmental and cognitive abilities, diversity, protective factors, mental health issues, presenting problem(s), and individual risk factors which maximize the likelihood of success in treatment.
Youth are encouraged to participate in both individual clinical sessions and group therapy for a variety of topics include consent, boundaries, healthy relationships, life skills, emotion regulation, social skills, sexual health, sexual fantasies and the media, victim empathy, and offence prevention planning.
Pressure's on today's youth are different than any other time in human history. Many youth struggle to cope with complexities that are associated with 21st century living.
YCFC delivers Trauma Informed Care, an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma.
Everything we do at YCFC is treatment focused. Life skills, group and individual therapy sessions, structure and the routine of positive living are all designed to promote healthy relationships and resilience. The youths accepted into this program thrive in the environment we have carefully crafted.
YCFC also has extensive experience caring for indigenous youths. We are sensitive to the cultural needs of indigenous youths and utilize community resources where appropriate to foster respect for First Nations persons.
I'm proud of our staff who bring their own individual and unique skill sets to the team at YCFC.
Youth Centre for Change | London | Group Home | DC ED/BD |
DC Services for Developmentally Challenged
MF Services for Medically Fragile
ED/BD Services for Emotionally Disturbed / Behaviourally Disordered
MF Services for Medically Fragile
ED/BD Services for Emotionally Disturbed / Behaviourally Disordered