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Large detached home with large back yard and deck. On the second floor there is a master bedroom with an ensuite for the careproviders. There are three additional single bedrooms for the foster children,one with a full en-suite. In the rec room there are 2 single bedrooms for the foster children, a washroom and a laundry room. There are 2 separate stairways leading to the main floor of the home.  This home is near shopping, recreation, the library, schools and transportation. The current care providers have a dog and a bird.
OARTY Member: Storey Homes
Program/Facility Description: Long term foster home for 4 girls. CYW support provided. Open to all CAS'.
City: Whitby
Ministry Region: East
Home Type: Foster Home
Client Group: DC ED/BD
Accredited By:
  • 1 Immediate
  • 0 30 Days
  • 0 60 Days
  • 0 90 Days

Program Rates

$155.03Treatment Foster Care

Accepted Conditions

1. Client Groups

Ages 12 and upAges 6-12
Cultural AccommodationsEmotionally Disturbed
Females OnlyPhysical Abuse Victims
Religious AccommodationsSexual Abuse Victims
Transitional Age Youth (16-18)

2. Diagnostic Features

ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning DisorderAIDS/HIV
Attachment DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive DisorderOppositional Defiant Disorder
Personality Disorder

3. Problematic Behaviours

Bed WettingChronic Lying
Demanding (Excessive)Eating Disorders
Fearful/AnxiousManipulative/Causes Conflict
Short Attention SpanSocially Delayed
StealingSubstance Abuse
Suicide AttemptsSuicide Threats/Ideation
TantrumsVerbally Abusive

4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)

Excessive MasturbationIndiscriminate Affection/Promiscuous

5. Teen Issues

AbortionBirth Control
Sexually Active TeenSubstance Abuse

6.1 Health Care Requirements

Dietary Considerations

6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996

No services offered in this category

7. School and Community

* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories.
Disruptive Behaviour in ClassroomSpecial Education Needs

8. Program Model

Treatment Foster Care

9. Program Treatment Services

Anger ManagementAssertiveness Training
Behaviour ManagementCommunity Skills Training
Life Skills ProgramLong Term Residental (2+ years)
Recreational ProgramSocial Skills Training

10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)

No services offered in this category

11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services

Art TherapyBehaviour Management Consultation
Communication SpecialistsDental specialist
Family TherapyGroup Therapy
Music, Drama and Other TherapyNursing
Nutrition and Feeding ConsultationOccupational Therapy
Orthodontic SpecialistPhysiotherapy
Play TherapyPsychiatric Assessment
Psychiatric SupervisionPsychological Assessment
PsychotherapySpeech Therapy