Too often, the 'system' lacks a true recognition of a child's needs, which furthers any damage that began in the biological home. Jen's Place offers an environment that is based on normalizing, nourishing, encouraging, supporting, stimulating and strengthening capabilities as part of a treatment program.
It is the mission of Jen's Place, with each and every child we work with, to provide the child with an environment in which he or she now belongs. The mission intends to assist each child to identify his or her own capacities, their own talents, their own resiliency, their own strengths and ability to successfully address the struggles they face.
OARTY Member:
Jen's Place
Program/Facility Description:
Jen's Place is a residential treatment program for youth ages 12- 21. |
Alliston |
Ministry Region:
Central |
For Ages:
12-18 |
Home Type:
Group Home |
Client Group:
Accredited By:
30 Days
60 Days
90 Days
Program Rates
$259.00 | Staff Model Group Home |
Accepted Conditions
1. Client Groups
Aboriginal | Ages 12 and up | Cultural Accommodations | Emotionally Disturbed | Females Only | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual | Physical Abuse Victims | Religious Accommodations | Sexual Abuse Victims | Transgendered | Transitional Age Youth (16-18) | Two-Spirited | Young Offenders |
2. Diagnostic Features
ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning Disorder | AIDS/HIV | Attachment Disorder | Bipolar | Borderline Personality Disorder | Conduct Disorder | Dyslexia | FASD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | Personality Disorder | Phobias | Schizophrenia | Sexually Transmitted Infections | Sleep Disorder |
3. Problematic Behaviours
Bed Wetting | Chronic Lying | Defiance (Excessive) | Demanding (Excessive) | Eating Disorders | Fearful/Anxious | Manipulative/Causes Conflict | Over-active | Physical Aggression Towards Adults | Physical Aggression Towards Property | Physical Aggression Towards Self | Running | Short Attention Span | Socially Delayed | Stealing | Substance Abuse | Suicide Attempts | Suicide Threats/Ideation | Tantrums | Verbally Abusive |
4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)
Indiscriminate Affection/Promiscuous | Provocative/Seductive |
5. Teen Issues
Abortion | Birth Control | Pregnancy | Sexually Active Teen | Substance Abuse |
6.1 Health Care Requirements
Communicable Disease Management | Dietary Considerations |
6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996
No services offered in this category |
7. School and Community
* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories. |
Disruptive Behaviour in Classroom | Special Education Needs | Suspensions | Truancy |
9. Program Treatment Services
Anger Management | Assessment | Behaviour Management | Community Skills Training | Crisis Admission/Emergency | Life Skills Program | Long Term Residental (2+ years) | Medium Term Residental (1-2 years) | Milieu Therapy | Preparation for Independence | Recreational Program | Social Skills Training | Specialized Program for Transitional Age Youth | Summer Program |
10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)
Clinical Consultation | Family Therapy | Group Therapy | Special Education Consultant |
11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services
Art Therapy | Behaviour Management Consultation | Clinical Consultation | Communication Specialists | Dental specialist | Family Therapy | Group Therapy | Music, Drama and Other Therapy | Nursing | Nutrition and Feeding Consultation | Occupational Therapy | Orthodontic Specialist | Physiotherapy | Play Therapy | Psychiatric Assessment | Psychiatric Supervision | Psychological Assessment | Psychotherapy | Remedial Specialist | Speech Therapy |