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OARTY Member: Holloway House
Program/Facility Description: Developmentally delayed and/or medically fragile
City: Stirling
Ministry Region: East
For Ages: 16
Home Type: Group Home
Client Group: DC MF ED/BD
Accredited By:
  • 3 Immediate
  • 0 30 Days
  • 0 60 Days
  • 0 90 Days

Accepted Conditions

1. Client Groups

Acquired Brain InjuryAdults
Ages 0-5Ages 12 and up
Ages 6-12Coed
Cultural AccommodationsDevelopmentally Challenged
Dual Diagnosis ClienteleEmotionally Disturbed
Medically FragilePhysically Challenged
Religious AccommodationsTechnologically Dependant
Terminally IllTotal Care
Transitional Age Youth (16-18)Wheelchair Bound

2. Diagnostic Features

ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning DisorderAIDS/HIV
Attachment DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder
BipolarDeaf/Hearing Impaired
Failure to ThriveFASD
Nonverbal/Communication DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder
Sleep DisorderSpina-bifida
Visual/Hearing Impaired

3. Problematic Behaviours

Bed WettingDemanding (Excessive)
Eating DisordersFearful/Anxious
Manipulative/Causes ConflictOver-active
Physical Aggression Towards PropertyPhysical Aggression Towards Self
Short Attention SpanSocially Delayed

4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)

No services offered in this category

5. Teen Issues

No services offered in this category

6.1 Health Care Requirements

Apnea MonitorCommunicable Disease Management
Complex Medication ManagementDietary Considerations
G-Tube FeedingNG-Tube Feeding
OxygenRespitory Care
Seizure ManagementSpecialized Feeding Requirements

6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996

Administration of an Evacuation EnemaColostomy Care
Disimpaction/Digital StimulationInhalation of Medical Substances
Inhalation of OxygenInsertion of an Evacuation Suppository
Subcutaneous InjectionTracheotomy Suctioning
Urinary Catheterization

7. School and Community

* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories.
Disruptive Behaviour in ClassroomSpecial Education Needs

8. Program Model

Parent Model Group Home with Full Time Staff Support

9. Program Treatment Services

Anger ManagementAssessment
Behaviour ManagementCommunity Skills Training
Crisis Admission/EmergencyInfant/Preschool Program
Life Skills ProgramLong Term Residental (2+ years)
Medium Term Residental (1-2 years)Milieu Therapy
Palliative CarePhysiotherapy
Recreational ProgramRespite
Sensory StimulationServices for the Deaf/Blind
Short Term Residential Care (<1 year)Social Skills Training
Specialty FeedingSummer Program

10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)

Behaviour Management ConsultationCommunication Specialists
Dental SpecialistNeurological Consultation
NursingNutrition and Feeding Consultation
Occupational TherapyPediatrician
PhysiotherapyPsychiatric Assessment
Psychiatric SupervisionSpecial Education Consultant
Speech Therapy

11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services

Behaviour Management ConsultationCommunication Specialists
Dental specialistFamily Therapy
Neurological ConsultationNeuropsychologist
NursingNutrition and Feeding Consultation
Occupational TherapyOrthodontic Specialist
PhysiotherapyPlay Therapy
Psychiatric AssessmentPsychiatric Supervision
Psychological AssessmentRemedial Specialist
Respiratory TechnicianSpeech Therapy