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Bayfield provides a milieu all inclusive residential treatment service for adolescent males. The treatment program is designed to progress the child through a continuum of care to less intrusive treatment environments. The child's treatment plan is individually designed to assist him/her in progressing to Bayfield's Parent Therapist, Bayfield's Next Step Program or Extended Care and Maintenance. This continuum ensures continuity and consistency of services and treatment and reinforces Bayfield's theoretical attachment model that emphasizes commitment to the child.On campus residences are for youths whom have been identified as experiencing significant emotional and/or behavioural conditions and/or developmental delays or require a smaller living environment.

OARTY Member: Bayfield Treatment Centres
Program/Facility Description: Group & Foster Care Treatment Centre
City: Consecon
Ministry Region: East
For Ages: 6-18
Home Type: Group Home
Client Group: DC ED/BD
Accredited By: CARF Canada
  • 1 Immediate
  • 1 30 Days
  • 1 60 Days
  • 1 90 Days

Program Rates

$348.00Staff Model Group Home
$93.97Bayfield Private School
$65.05Clinical/ Psychiatric Services

Accepted Conditions

1. Client Groups

AboriginalAcquired Brain Injury
Ages 12 and upAges 6-12
CoedCultural Accommodations
Developmentally ChallengedDual Diagnosis Clientele
Emotionally DisturbedLesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Males OnlyPhysical Abuse Victims
Religious AccommodationsSexual Abuse Victims
Sexual OffendersTechnologically Dependant
TransgenderedTransitional Age Youth (16-18)
Two-SpiritedViolent Individuals
Young Offenders

2. Diagnostic Features

ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning DisorderAttachment Disorder
Autism Spectrum DisorderBipolar
Borderline Personality DisorderConduct Disorder
Nonverbal/Communication DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder
Oppositional Defiant DisorderPersonality Disorder
Sexually Transmitted InfectionsSleep Disorder
Spina-bifidaVisual/Hearing Impaired

3. Problematic Behaviours

Bed WettingChronic Lying
Cruelty to AnimalsDefiance (Excessive)
Demanding (Excessive)Eating Disorders
Fearful/AnxiousFire Setting/Playing with Fire
Manipulative/Causes ConflictNo Problematic Behaviours
Over-activePhysical Aggression Towards Adults
Physical Aggression Towards ChildrenPhysical Aggression Towards Others
Physical Aggression Towards PropertyPhysical Aggression Towards Self
RunningShort Attention Span
Socially DelayedSoiling/Smearing/Vomiting
StealingSubstance Abuse
Suicide AttemptsSuicide Threats/Ideation
TantrumsVerbally Abusive

4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)

Excessive MasturbationInappropriate Sexualized Behaviour Toward Children
Inappropriate Sexualized Behaviour Toward Parental FigureIndiscriminate Affection/Promiscuous

5. Teen Issues

Birth ControlSexually Active Teen
Substance Abuse

6.1 Health Care Requirements

Complex Medication ManagementDietary Considerations
Seizure Management

6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996

No services offered in this category

7. School and Community

* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories.
Disruptive Behaviour in ClassroomSpecial Education Needs

8. Program Model

Foster CareOther
Parent Model Group Home with Full Time Staff SupportParent Model Group Home with Part Time Staff Support
Staff Model Group HomeTreatment Foster Care

9. Program Treatment Services

Anger ManagementAssertiveness Training
AssessmentBehaviour Management
Community Skills TrainingCrisis Admission/Emergency
Day TreatmentLife Skills Program
Long Term Residental (2+ years)Medium Term Residental (1-2 years)
Milieu TherapyPreparation for Independence
Private SchoolRecreational Program
RespiteShort Term Residential Care (<1 year)
Social Skills TrainingSpecialized Program for Transitional Age Youth
Summer ProgramVocational Training

10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)

Art TherapyBehaviour Management Consultation
Clinical ConsultationCommunication Specialists
Family TherapyGroup Therapy
Music, Drama and Other TherapyNutrition and Feeding Consultation
Play TherapyPsychiatric Assessment
Psychiatric SupervisionPsychological Assessment
PsychotherapySpecial Education Consultant

11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services

Dental specialistFamily Therapy
Neurological ConsultationNeuropsychologist
Occupational TherapyOrthodontic Specialist
PhysiotherapySpeech Therapy