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Dynamics in our home are determined by several factors, not the least by the personalities, challenges and difficulties each child represents. The combined dynamics contribute heavily to the success of each child that is placed into one of our homes (families). For that reason these existing dynamics are taken into consideration during any admission process to increase the probability that 'quality long term care' can be provided, without interruption, for the benefit of each child. Our focus is on the family athmospere, structure and environment. Relationships within our family environment are being built and are, from our perspective, extended after discharge. We do not replace the biological parents. However, we make every effort to create a family athmosphere in which the children can feel safe, accepted, protected, positively stimulated and encouraged but not necessarily judged. In our family we are guided by moral and ethical values that may contribute to icrease each child's and future adult's self-esteem. A greater self-esteem can increase the future adult's ability to contribute positively to our society. All aspects of our program have the same goal: 'THE WELL-BEING AND SAFETY OF EACH CHILD WHILE DEVELOPING A LEVEL OF INTEGRITY THAT IS BENEFICIAL TO THE CHILD AND SOCIETY. IT IS DONE IN A FAMILY ENVIRONMENT THAT THE CHILD MAY SOME DAY TRY TO RE-CREATE IN HIS/HER OWN LIFE FOR THEIR CHILDREN'S BENEFIT'

OARTY Member: Little House Residential Care Services Inc.
Program/Facility Description: Group home
City: Smithville
Ministry Region: West
For Ages: 5-14
Home Type: Group Home
Client Group: DC ED/BD
Accredited By:
  • 0 Immediate
  • 0 30 Days
  • 0 60 Days
  • 0 90 Days

Accepted Conditions

1. Client Groups

Ages 12 and upAges 6-12
CoedCultural Accommodations
Developmentally ChallengedDual Diagnosis Clientele
Emotionally DisturbedPhysical Abuse Victims
Religious AccommodationsSexual Abuse Victims
Violent Individuals

2. Diagnostic Features

ADD/ADHD/Severe Learning DisorderAttachment Disorder
Autism Spectrum DisorderBipolar
Borderline Personality DisorderConduct Disorder
Failure to ThriveFASD
Nonverbal/Communication DisorderOppositional Defiant Disorder
Personality DisorderPhobias
Sleep Disorder

3. Problematic Behaviours

Defiance (Excessive)Demanding (Excessive)
Fearful/AnxiousManipulative/Causes Conflict
Over-activePhysical Aggression Towards Adults
Physical Aggression Towards ChildrenPhysical Aggression Towards Others
Physical Aggression Towards PropertyPhysical Aggression Towards Self
RunningShort Attention Span
Socially DelayedStealing
TantrumsVerbally Abusive

4. Sexual Acting Out Behaviours (all ages)

Inappropriate Sexualized Behaviour Toward Children

5. Teen Issues

No services offered in this category

6.1 Health Care Requirements

No services offered in this category

6.2 Procedures from Regulated Health Professions Act, 1996

No services offered in this category

7. School and Community

* Select the following criteria that are addressed through external education/community services, for internal supports, please denote in the appropriate categories.
Disruptive Behaviour in ClassroomSpecial Education Needs

8. Program Model

Parent Model Group Home with Full Time Staff Support

9. Program Treatment Services

Anger ManagementAssessment
Behaviour ManagementCommunity Skills Training
Life Skills ProgramLong Term Residental (2+ years)
Medium Term Residental (1-2 years)Milieu Therapy
Preparation for IndependenceRecreational Program
Section 23 ClassroomShort Term Residential Care (<1 year)
Social Skills TrainingSummer Program

10. Professional Services Included in Set Rate (Professionals on staff and/or contracted at no additonal cost)

Art TherapyBehaviour Management Consultation
Music, Drama and Other TherapyPlay Therapy
Psychological AssessmentSpeech Therapy

11. Additional Community Provided Professional Services

Behaviour Management ConsultationClinical Consultation
Communication SpecialistsDental specialist
Family TherapyMusic, Drama and Other Therapy
Neurological ConsultationNutrition and Feeding Consultation
Occupational TherapyOrthodontic Specialist
Play TherapyPsychiatric Assessment
Psychological AssessmentPsychotherapy
Special Education ConsultantSpeech Therapy